DDO Players News Podcast On Hiatus


I’m not even sure how to start this post. I have made the tough decision that DDO Players News Podcast will be placed on Hiatus, for a while, I’m not sure how long, but just wanted to let me people know that Todays Episode that was released will be the last for the foreseeable future.



The reason behind this tough decision is due to a medical family issue, I’m going to be vague as I normally don’t share personal details here, but I want you to know the reason behind the decision.

My elderly mother whom I am primary caretaker for, was diagnosed with Cancer in January of this year (You might recall I put the podcast on hiatus then as well) after a long road of recovery, she was able to come back home, Last month she fell and broke her leg, which required a surgery, and was in rehab for that injury, when she became very sick. They found out she had a serious infection in her stomach and needed to do emergency surgery. Things are not looking well at all, decisions need to be made, not well.

Thank you so much for your understanding and hope that you will stick with us through this. Hope to back soon.

The site itself, might see very infrequent posts, I “Plan” to keep up on news and such as I will have my laptop with me, but I can’t promise that it all depends on things.


Thank You



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