Steve Jackson Returning To Fantasy Trip


Without much fanfare, there was a little announcement over on the Steve Jackson Game Blog.


At the beginning of my career, long before GURPS, I created a roleplaying game called The Fantasy Trip. For decades, the rights have been held by Metagaming, a publisher which is no longer in operation. I’m very pleased to announce that I have regained the eight TFT releases that I wrote myself: Melee, Wizard, Death Test, Death Test 2, Advanced Melee, Advanced Wizard, In the Labyrinth, and Tollenkar’s Lair.
This is just an initial announcement, to invite you to celebrate with me a day that has been a long time coming!
I have no idea yet about release schedules. I will probably have to answer most questions with “I don’t know yet” – but feel free to use the button below to go to the forum discussion of this post, and try me . . . or just share memories of the game!

— Steve Jackson


Yes indeed! Steve Jackson has acquired the rights to his first role-playing game design, The Fantasy Trip, originally published in 1980 by Metagaming Concepts.

Steve Jackson Games intends to re-release The Fantasy Trip in a new, updated format, but Jackson has stated that widespread changes to the game rules are not planned.  A specific release schedule for The Fantasy Trip materials has not yet been determined.  However, in a forum post related to the subject, Jackson hinted at a possible Kickstarter-funded version of Melee in 2018. and he adds :

With miniatures! Lots of miniatures!

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