Kill Doctor Lucky: Doctor Lucky’s Mansion That Is Haunted Review


This expansion includes a new game board and new instructions, but that’s all; everything else you need to play is contained in the Deluxe 19.5th Anniversary Edition of Kill Doctor Lucky, including cards and tokens. Please note you must own the base game of KILL DOCTOR LUCKY to enjoy this expansion.

The endgame is also the same: kill Doctor Lucky before another player does. And while the same rules apply — you have to be alone in the room with Doctor Lucky and out of sight of every competitor — this expansion adds one curious wrinkle: all of the players are ghosts. So, what does it mean that your now a ghost? The fact that you’re a ghost means you can pass through walls, ceilings, and floors. That introduces a big change in both strategy and game mechanics.

Movement and sight lines change drastically, with the players serving as ghosts. Players are free to float through walls from room to room, and special portals allow for instant transport, like those secret passages in Clue. Rather than seeing all the way down the board, players can now only see into rooms directly beside the one they are in. Now the game becomes something of a race to cover ground rather than a process of long-term planning, making for even lighter play.




The game board of the haunted is well made, has creepy dark colors, like the original board, you can read the rooms and such from all around the table.




The rulebook is just one sheet, it lays out what changes are made to the game. easy to read and learn.



Final Thoughts

Kill Doctor Lucky: Doctor Lucky’s Mansion That Is Haunted brings an interesting twist to the gameplay and brings all new strategy to the game with the addition of being able to pass through walls.
This would make a great to start your game night, bring this out and try to kill doctor lucky! to get your game night started on a fun exciting note.

Kill Doctor Lucky: Doctor Lucky’s Mansion That Is Haunted can be purchased via Cheapass games website or via Amazon

A Big thank you to Cheapass Games for providing us the review copy, this as always had no effect on the outcome of the review

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