Mists Of Ravenloft Now Available In The DDO Store

The land of Barovia awaits those, that were waiting for the newest expansion to land in the DDO Store.
Race: Aasimar 1395
Mists of Ravenloft Expansion Content: 2495
Scourge of the Undead Iconic: 1295
You can still spend your real-world money and purchase the pack and get all the extra goodies as well if you would like. I know there were a lot of people who have been saving those DDO Points for just this day.
Welcome to Barovia, my friends!
Standing Stone Games have also released a nice video to go along with this
This was a well-made video, and I liked the nod to pen & paper, by showing it in the books then the game, nice touch.
Good trailer for the expansion. It was (almost) worth the lengthy wait.