Expansion For Lost Expedition Coming From Osprey Games


Osprey games have announced an expansion to their cooperative game of jungle survival, The Lost ExpeditionThe Fountain of Youth & Other Adventures will release on September 18.



Explorers have been returning from the Amazon with extraordinary tales – conquistadors withered with age marching through the rainforest, unidentified beasts stalking expeditions, and an ominous mountain that is said to be more perilous than the jungle itself! Only the most reckless adventurers would ignore these warnings, but even they might find that they need some help.

The Fountain of Youth & Other Adventures contains four new expansions for The Lost Expedition which can be added separately or combined to provide a host of new challenges for your intrepid explorers.

This expansion requires a copy of The Lost Expedition to play.


“In my opinion, an expansion should never simply offer more of the same, but should always try to surprise the players with something new. I am delighted to say that The Fountain of Youth & Other Adventures does exactly that, building upon the original game both thematically and mechanically, and I hope that everyone enjoys it!” Peer Sylvester, designer of The Lost Expedition


“We fell in love hard with The Lost Expedition, so we knew we weren’t finished with it, I can honestly say that The Fountain of Youth & Other Adventures is the most fun we’ve had developing a new project at Osprey. New friends, mechanics and encounters, but the same dangerous charm.” Duncan Molloy, Games Developer at Osprey Games

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