Lasers & Liches Retro Setting For 5th Edition On Kickstarter


If you want to squeeze some good old school 80’s into your D&D 5E, this Kickstarter is just for you! I mean, how does not want some Pizza slimes? and Nuclear Elementals? And Lasers, man FREAKING LASERS!



An exciting new 5E universe from Lasers & Liches! It resides in a place of half-faded memories, barely remembered songs, lost childhood friends, outdated styles, abandoned dreams, lost playthings, vapor ware, and time corroded nostalgia. A place both strange and familiar. A place for adventure, friendship, chaos, and the magic of yesteryear. In short, a place that combines your love of the present with your adoration of the past.

Do you feel like your 5E game might be missing something? We did too! It’s time to get weird, time to get crazy, time for more freaking lasers! Lasers & Liches mixes bombastic crazy with sci-fantasy and wraps it in the veneer of yesteryear. Expect neon swords, Nuclear elementals, Pizza Slimes, and so much nostalgia inspired world building. Don’t worry though, we know that your memories are sacred, and that’s why we’re going to treat them with care. This was our childhood too and we are giving it the respect it darn well deserves. Callbacks are easy, and this ain’t gonna be easy.

So, what is the Retroverse? Technically speaking, the Retroverse is an unstable plane. It is constantly expanding, contracting, and gaining new extensions. It wobbles on an uneven axis among the other planes of existence. Because if this, it eventually intersects all realities in one way or another. There is no point in time when it is not linked to multiple realms at once. Where the Retroverse ends, begins, or even exists at any given time is an impossible question to answer.


The Kickstarter is up and running now, with (As of this posting) 61 % of their goal. With 26 days to go.  what are you waiting for? Lasers! Freaking Lasers!

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