Free RPG Day Is Next Saturday June 16th 2018

It’s that time again, the special time of year when we can get FREE RPG! Yes, FREE Rpg Day 2018 is all most upon us. There are some good offerings this year as well!
Established in 2007, Free RPG Day works with participating hobby game retailers and RPG publishers to bring new and exclusive RPG quickstart rules and adventure modules into the hands of gamers.
Consumers WORLDWIDE will be able to grab brand new material for a variety of RPGs — no overstock, retail-priced or dead product here. The goal of Free RPG Day is to inspire gamers to play a new RPG, which will, in turn, create sales through local game stores.
You can head over HERE to find a local store in your area that is offering up the free goodies. NOTE that each store will have different rules on how they give away the items.
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