HeroQuest Inspired Co-Op Dungeon-Crawler Altar Quest On Kickstarter


Altar Quest pays homage to the 1980s D&D-like game of exploration and monster-bashing, down to the inclusion of 3D furniture and scenery in the box alongside a party of adventurers.



Altar Quest is a cooperative game of fantasy adventure inspired by the classic dungeon crawling board games that many of us grew up with. Using the Modular Deck System (MDS), introduced in Street Masters and Brook City, the game features incredibly modular gameplay using several types of decks. Hero decks, threat decks, villain decks, and quest decks can all be mixed and matched along with altar cards, feature cards, and other game elements to create countless combinations of unique adventures. With an engaging one-off experience and narrative campaign play, Altar Quest offers players endless adventure in a unique fantasy setting with years of support planned for the game.




The game’s Kickstarter, which has already more than doubled its $100,000 goal, includes the game’s first expansion, Call of the Lunarin, designed by Gloomhaven creator Isaac Childres.


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