2019 Spiel des Jahres Winners Announced



As we all ready told you, The Kinderspiel des Jahres was awarded to Valley of the Vikings (Tal der Wikinger), designed by Marie Fort and Wilfried Fort, and published by HABA Games.



it’s a dexterity game that involves bowling over barrels with a giant wooden ball (and also trying to get your Vikings onto the best spaces on the dock).


The Spiel des Jarhes was awarded to Just One, designed by Ludovic Roudy and Bruno Sautter, and published by Repos Production.



It’s a cooperative word game. The idea is that one person must guess a word from a card, and everyone else provides clues. The catch is that each clue may only be a single word, and any duplicate clues are erased before presenting them to the guesser. Choosing clues that are obvious enough for the guesser but not so obvious that somebody else would choose the same clue.


The Kennerspiel des Jahres was awarded to Wingspan, designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and published by Stonemaier Games.


Wingspan is an engine-building game, but the theme is about collecting and spotting birds and placing them into their corresponding habitats.

Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners!

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