DDO Players News Episode 263 – By The Power Of The Unicorn Mount!

On this SUPER SIZED episode we have Patrick from DDO cast join us to talk about The Freebie Code, Update 46 Patch 2, DDO Cast Hitting 600 episodes and much more! Grab a drink and keep it handy, this is a long episode folks!
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Game News
Free Questing Coupon and a VIP Update – Thank You From Standing Stone Games
Update 46 Patch 2 Release Notes
Downtime Notice: Tuesday, June 9th 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern
Temporary Raid Closure: The Lord of Blades
Store Sales
Bigger is Better! Get 25% off:
Gold Seal Elixirs of Sovereign Healing x100
Superior Spell Point Potions x100
Sovereign Guild Renown Elixirs x25
Colossal Ingredient & Augment Bags
Now through June 11th!
The Weekly Coupon gets you a free Lasting Potion of Protection from Evil (+2) x5 with the Coupon Code AWAYEVIL, now through June 11th!
During my watch through of the interview, I wrote down all the things I felt were noteworthy. Enjoy!
1:09 HC Season 2: What was learned?
-Random loot revamp would be valuable
-Traps are dangerous
-Season 3 might have Angle theme, with Celestial based rewards. Other changes are TBD.
-Some of the Season 2 champs may be brought over to live.
1:16 Feywild expansion – U48
-New race & Iconic: Shifter – “shifting” will be tied to Barbarian rage, rawr
–Iconic will be Barb that uses hand wraps
-Scope will be similar to previous SSG expansions
-Unicorns are confirmed
1:21 U 46.2
-New warlock packs are meant to be cool & fun
-Random loot update
–Goal: Give a sense of mystery; “what if random loot was cool”
–Also to do a deep dive and fix bugs around material types and such
–Weapons and other loot have breakpoints about their features (should be no more +0s)
–Loot scales well with max lv increase (DDO is built well?)
–More caster staffs vs. Lammania
-Jewels of fortune:
–Turned into “Crumbling Jewels of Fortune” with instructions on how to redeem for Treasure hunter elixirs
–If buff is already applied, treasure hunter buff will be applied for same duration
–Hunter Elixir does not increase chance for Mythic/reaper boost
-UI skinning
–New assets will be available once it goes live.
1:34 Lag
-Have fixed a large number of performance issue over past couple of months
-In U46.2 (mostly invisible):
–Re-did how bonus caster lvs worked
–Major change to how Reaper enhancements sit on the char: reaper buffs applied on instance load, instead of whenever a player does a thing, such as swapping weapon sets
–Adjustments to physics engine
–Optimizations for 64-bit client (Z-fighting, reflections, etc.)
1:39 Character balance
-Ongoing, but the Kobold mafia forbids its discussion.
-Evaluating things while looking at lv cap increase; little changes made thought out the year may be tied to upcoming features they’re not ready to discuss
-Monk pass: Not on the docket for this year, but some issues noted
-Bows & Primal Avatar
–No plans to announce, since resources are tied to other things
–It’s recognized that bows do not feel like where they should be, but they would like to at some time address it
1:43 Legendary raids
-Looking to bring old raids up to lv 32, likely in U47
–First 3: Lord of Blades, Master Artificer, and Visions of Destruction
–Revamping Heroic/Epic LoB & MA loot:
—Upgrades will have no cost (let the players have their cool toys)
—Old materials will be exchangeable for other Sharn/House C materials
–Legendary alchemical weapon will drop fully formed (no crafting system)
1:48 Stealer of Souls (no timeline, but on the to-do list)
-Replace Dragon-touched crafting
-Remove flagging mechanic
1:49 mega-servers
-Conceptual in nature; no solid plans
-Lots of technical hurdles, would be long process
1:52 Goals and cool features for guilds
-Ambition outweighs time & resources; no solid plans at all in the slightest.
-Unicorns may be harmed when new features are released
1:53 Isle of Dread: Intended for the future, but no timeline
1:54 Item Augments
-Would be “An exerted amount of effort”
-Detailed plans have been made, but would take a total of 6-months worth of dev time (cumulative time from 3 different devs).
-Not this year, but hopefully in the future.
1:57 Raid flagging philosophy
-Depends on the story behind it
-Flagging has loosened through the years; will not get to SoS-levels of restrictive again
2:00 Wrap-up
-Legendary Pit: Opinions heavily divided; not solid plans
-U47 will have free quest
-June will be busy for announcements
-“May all your attack rolls be crits and all your chests level appropriate; have fun and don’t forget to gather for buffs”
From The Dungeon
On The Table Top
CMON Announces Masters of the Universe: The Board Game
CMON Announces Massive Darkness 2
Week in Gaming
Drac Week
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Waterdeep Dwarves Dungeons Of The Mad Mage Episode 2
Munchkin Dungeon
The Evil Dead 2
Marvel Champions
Ticket To Ride
Dungeon Brawl
The Lord of the Rings Journeys Into Middle-Earth
Alone Against Fear
Video Games
Minecraft Dungeons
Tom Clancy The Division 2
Guild Wars 2
Pineleaf Week
DDO – Warforged Favored Soul (Level 1-2)
- The Grotto
- Keep on the Borderlands
- Despite the rough start and only getting half the benefit from Cure spells, I still managed to get through without a hireling Cleric. I did grab some repair potions, though.
- Attempted to play in new ESO area with Drac but was too laggy
- Started the June MHC (Skyblock)
- Mage Rage Week 5 (where we played in an unusual world)
- Minecraft Dungeons
- For solo, I completed the base game
- Played a dungeon with Drac to learn how to play online
Other Tabletop
- Castle Ravenloft – Rampaging Golem
- Wingspan – First game against the middle setting
- Welcome To…
- Carcassonne – first try of the solo version on the base game
- Card Capture – A tight game where I managed to cull all the weak starter cards
- Aeon’s End Expedition
- Umbra Titan, Arachnos, Maiden of Thorns
- Aeon’s End Solo Marathon – One last attempt against Deathmind, where I at least came close but, though I came up short.
- Battle Lore
- Tested the CDG Solo System for playing Card-Driven Wargames
- Started with the learning scenario as it’s been years since I’ve played
- Then played a random scenario
- Memoir ‘44
- Commemorated D-Day by playing two scenarios set on July 6
- Pegasus Bridge and Sainte Mere-Eglise
Tabletop Apps
- Gloomhaven – Ran through one dungeon and barely won
- Sagrada – Tested the solo game that is newly added to the app
- Friday – Finally decided to get the app for my Phone
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