Revenue Numbers Released From EG7 (New Owners Of Daybreak)

We told you that Daybreak games were bought by a new investment company EG7
EG7 released a presentation to highlight this acquisition, and we learned some very interesting things from it.
You can click on all the pictures to see a full-page view of it, I’ve broken down the information below the pictures.
Jack Emmert is listed as the CEO of Standing Stone Games. The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is the individual within an organization who oversees the current technology and creates relevant policy. A CTO should have the business knowledge necessary to align technology-related decisions with the organization’s goals.
We have numbers that we have never seen before
72 Million in Bookings. (Bookings are When a customer commits to spend money with your company, that is a “booking”. A booking is often tied to some form of contract between your company and the customer. … In the case of licensed software, the revenue is recognized when the software is delivered and accepted by the customer.) According to the report, this is customers who have purchased an account so VIP.
And 39 Million in Game Level EBITDA (EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization and is a metric used to evaluate a company’s operating performance. It can be seen as a proxy for cash flow. In finance, the term is used to describe the amount of cash (currency) that is generated or consumed in a given time period.)
DDO listed as having 6.9 Million Bookings year to date and 46K Monthly Active Users and 22k Members
Members are VIP’s according to the presentation.
Other numbers (Daybreak as a whole)
Upgrades coming to LOTR? (No mention of anything DDO)
Planning visual and technical updates for LOTRO for PC and nextgen consoles to capitalize on Amazon’s highly publicized large investment (~$500mm) in LOTR TV series
That is a lot of information to take in, very interesting for sure, EG7 is a publicly-traded company, so we will see more of these numbers in the future. as they are always looking for investors and must report earnings.
What are your thoughts on this new information of numbers?
DDO has the highest ARPPU (Average Revenue Per Paying User) of all the games in Daybreak’s portfolio. 🙂
Yes, I was surprised by that to be honest…
I am not that surprised.
Consinder VIP is 10$ per month, Season Pass Holder a lot more, add an expansion every 1.5 years, for a minimum of 40$ but often 120$, add in random point purchases and you get there pretty fast actually