Super Seducer 3 Review

We gamers tend to have a bad reputation when it comes to our social skills, as we are stereotyped as awkward, can’t talk to women in person, unattractive, most of the time the old joke we live in our mom’s basements as well.
Richard La Ruina makes a living as a professional pick-up artist, helping men learn his techniques to seduction, which real people will pay for that? And Super Seducer brings those lessons to the wider video game playing audience.
The game is a Full Motion Video game, players are given cut scenes you are presented with scenarios where you would/could meet women out in the real world and are given a multiple choice quiz on what is the best way to proceed. After each decision, Richard will tell you what you did well, and what could have been done better. Hence, he will teach you the ways of the pickup artist.
The premises of the game aside, the production quality of the game is top-notch, there are several locations that we visit, and the videos are shot well. The “acting” is a bit hit or miss, it’s mostly good, there was more than a few cringe horrible acting moments, but overall it was decent.
There’s a flowchart so you can dissect each scene, a progress bar to let you know how far you are into a scenario, the option to watch the ideal path just play like a movie. Which I did like. We even get a few quick-time events to add some pressure and see how well you perform tasks to impress your date.
All that aside, the biggest problem is the whole premise of the game, it just feels wrong and there is a big moral question to should even be playing this game, in the era of the #MeTOO . That’s where the problem lies for me, I think it would be ok if this were just a straight-up “dating simulator” which I have played a few, but this is different it’s not really a “dating sim” as you can tell right away that the whole point to is to get you laid, and is singular in its quest to turn any interaction with a woman into a sexual conquest of said person that you have just meet in the gym or bar or wherever it happened to be. I could say there is a few rare moments of solid advice mixed in about how to approach a woman, but the main goal is always to score.
There are some funny moments that happen to Richard when you chose the wrong path, Richard brags in the introductory video that there will be plenty of “dumb shit” to enjoy when the player picks an outlandishly wrong choice, Which happens, but the jokes wear thin most of the time, there were a few funny times, but most of the time you feel very icky and the punchline falls a bit flat. There were a few times when I could almost tell the actress was trying not to laugh at some outlandish things Richard was doing due to your poor choice. I often found myself hoping that no one would do some of this stuff in real life, as it often does not end well at all, as it should be.
I should point out there is no nudity in this at all, there is of course a lot of adult themes and situations, they do plan to release an “uncensored” version of the game in the future, which will feature more things, but again no nudity, just adds a bit of “spice” to the mix.
The premise is skeevy, and that was very hard to get past, I think if you want to play for a game, and you can get past the skeevy aspect, this is a decent FMV game, it’s just hard to get past the skeev aspect for me, as I said before we don’t have a dating sim, you’re trying to “score” so that’s hard to get past.
Super Seducer 3 will be on steam soon.
Note – I was provided a key by RLR Training Inc for this review, this had no effect on the outcome or what I had to say about the game.
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