More Game Companies Bail On Gen Con 2021


Another day another game company has pulled the brakes on attending Gen Con 2021



Asmodee USA, Asmodee NA studios, and Ultra PRO Entertainment will not be physically present at Gen Con Indy 2021. This follows the announcement that Paizo was also not going to be there as well.


Asmodee has decided to not physically participate in Gen Con 2021, but we will be focusing our support on Gen Con Online to bring you some exciting news and events. We’ll really miss gathering around tables with everyone this year, but we want to keep the health of our staff, partners, and customers top of mind. Gen Con Online ensures we can continue to support an amazing community event and the industry, so we are excited to participate. We’ll release more information about our plans as we get closer to September. We hope to see all of you in person next year as the health situation continues to improve and allow for everyone to gather safely!


I did some digging and pulled a list of who is OUT of Gen Con 2021

  1. Asmodee
  2. Atomic Mass Games
  3. Auction and auction/consignment store
  4. Fantasy Flight Games
  5. Goodman Games
  7. Looney Labs
  8. Paizo – now not attending.
  9. Privateer Press
  10. True Dungeon
  11. Ultra PRO
  12. Van Ryder
  13. Z-Man Games


The vendor was already going to be a strange place, but now it’s going to be downright odd, with no Fantasy Flight Games, Paizo, Ultra Pro and Goodman Games.. Those were staples of the must-have stops.



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