True Dungeon Also Bails Out Of Gen Con 2021


In they are not going to Gen Con 2021 either file, comes an announcement that True Dungeon will not be there either.



We apologize for our earlier erroneous announcement that we would be attending the show, and we ask for your forgiveness that we were not able to work out the details with Gen Con by today.  We felt we owed it to our fans to make this no-go decision now — before Gen Con badges go on sale this Sunday (5/23).  We will return to Gen Con in 2022 with a full slate of events.  We wish Gen Con all the best this year.   The good news is that you can still play live-action True Dungeon at Gamehole Con.


We are thrilled to announce two new adventures that have never been played in person before!

R1 – Felurian’s Feast
Set in the amazing world of the best-selling author Patrick Rothfuss, this adventure tasks you with finding some rare blackberries to give as a tribute at a gathering of Fae nobles.  Your group must overcome twisted puzzles and fearsome foes to see this task done.

Vx – Shyport Sinister
This is a hybrid adventure based on the V1-V5 series that sets players on a quest to save the city of Shyport from of plague of undead.  The event features aspects of the V-series while interlacing new, exciting content.  Anyone who played a V-series adventure will get XP for playing this adventure, also.

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