Wolfenstein: The Board Game Coming From Archon Studio


Archon Studio has announced Wolfenstein: The Board Game, which is based on the classic first-person shooter video game, on March 31, 2022.



In this miniatures board game, players are headed into the original Castle Wolfenstein to take out Adolph Hilter. This game is based on the classic video game developed by id Software and published by Apogee Software and FormGen in 1992.

The miniatures board game has players teaming up to sneak past Nazi guards and work as a team of skilled heroes to uncover the castle’s secrets.

The base game comes with a rule book, a mission book, 6 hero models, 45 enemy models, 4 Boss models, 8 map tiles, 8 corridor tiles, 182 various cards, 190 tokens, 12 custom attack dice, 4 dashboards, 14 plastic doors, 4 plastic barricades, a Hazard tracker, and a round tracker. It supports one to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 60-90 minutes. This game will retail for $120.

The rights to the video game came under the Bethesda Softworks umbrella in 2009 when they bought id Software, and Bethesda is now owned by Microsoft.

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