WOTC Announces Delays Of Several Upcoming Products


Blame it on the dreaded supply chain.



The first delay comes to Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel, which will now release on July 19, 2022. This is an anthology of 13 stand-alone adventures set in wondrous lands and will challenge characters levels 1-14. The book also introduces players to the Radiant Citadel, a new location on the Ethereal Plane. For those adventurers exploring a new world, each of these stand-alone stories can be dropped into any existing campaign. So if you find one that fits the feel of the tale you are telling, it will be easy to merge it into your current course.

The second delay is for the Campaign Case: Terrain box set. It is now set to drop on August 16, 2022. This magical box is everything a dungeon master needs to construct encounters for their wilderness, dungeon, and city adventures. It includes a set of double-sided adventure tiles, and a collection of illustrated adventure clings to customize the maps. Imagine the possibilities you can put your players through! And all in absolute style.

Two other products were not affected by the product delays for this summer. (well for now at least) This includes the second box set, the Campaign Case: Creatures which will release on July 19, 2022. Similar to the terrain case, this one is all about creature tokens and building the armies you are going to throw at your players. The other product, and our most anticipated for 2022, is Spelljammer: Adventures in Space.


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