Everyday Heroes Core Rule book Review

Introduction to Everyday Heroes
Everyday Heroes TTRPG is a role-playing game designed by Evil Genius Games. It is set in a world of superheroes and villains, and players take on the roles of those heroes and villains in order to save the world. The game is designed to be fast-paced and action-packed, with a focus on story-telling and player-driven adventures. The game mechanics are similar to those found in other RPG games, but there is more to this one than meets the eye!
Game Mechanics
The game mechanics for Everyday Heroes might be familiar to you if you have played a few others RPGs out there. Players roll dice to determine their character’s stats and abilities and use these stats to perform actions. The game also has a point-based combat system, which allows players to fight alongside each other in order to achieve their goals. Additionally, the game includes a variety of character classes and abilities, allowing players to customize their characters to their liking.
So, what set’s this one apart
Firstly, the game is designed to be fast-paced and action-packed, with a focus on story-telling and player-driven adventures. The game is broken into acts, so you still have that full campaign feel to it if you wish to play it that way, The “narrative” system really set this one apart for me, Your players will have the freedom to create their own unique stories, so I doubt that any 2 games you run will be the same, is the choices are up to the players.
The Rule Book
The core book consists of 3 main sections.
Part 1: Heroes. This is roughly 200 pages and walks you through character creation and includes all the rules of how your Hero works.
Part 2: Game Rules. This is about 60 pages and covers the core rules, combat, and Skill checks as well as some miscellaneous rules as well as a section on vehicles and chases.
Part 3: Mastering the Game which includes sections on GMing the game, creating adventures, and a bestiary of sorts.
What I Like
The game also features a wide variety of characters and abilities, giving players the chance to customize their characters to their liking. They have expansion packs that you can get that will bring this to light greatly and take you right into your favorite movie! IE – The Crow, Escape From New York, Highlander. These I feel are where the narrative system is going to shine and really open your game play and make the game your own, and your players.
You can build your character how you want, and you can really dig deep if you wish to, there are plenty of options here.
I did really like the art style they chose for the game, at least in my PDF review copy, it jumped out on my iPad pro screen at me, it was very inviting and drew me in, I would assume the printed book would be even better! I’m hoping to get a chance to stop by and look at it at Gen Con if they have a booth this year!
So, what I don’t like
Not a lot to be honest, the game has a lot of rules and mechanics, and it can be overwhelming at first, when I first skimmed over the rules of the PDF I was provided I was like, ok this is a lot to take in and remember, but you can pick up slowly, and it was very easy to go back and look at a rule if I had a question in my PDF, I would assume the hardcover would be even easier. It’s a massive rule set, but it’s not overly complicated either, if that sort of makes sense in any way.
From reading the rules a few times, I can’t see anything I would say just does not work, will my opinion change once I get this to the table and play it live with friends, Maybe? I will report back, but as of right now other than it’s overwhelming at first as it’s a hefty rule book, I can’t see any major red flags that are jumping out.
Final Thoughts
This is a great game, and I can’t wait to dive in head first and run this for my group of friends, prepare yourself for an adventure set in the world of the crow my friends! We are going to have a great time in the world of the crow, and I can’t wait to see what you all will do with the narrative system and take the story.
You can learn more about Everyday Heroes RPG at the official site
You can download a copy of the rules from Drive Thru RPG
Also, the expansion can be bought as well The Crow, Escape From New York
A big thanks to Evil Genius Games for providing the review PDF copy for this review, this as always had no effect on the outcome of the review.
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Trivia: It so happens that the lead game designer for Everyday Heroes is an avid DDO player and former DDOCast host. 🙂
No way!! I had no idea!!!
How in the world did I not make this connection!!!! It just dawned on my after looking at the credits and this reply. Good grief. Going to have to get an interview now sir. 😂
Sure, I love to. Just drop me an email sigfried@gmail.com