Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game Will Include 600 + Miniatures



Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game, an open-world tabletop role-playing game based on the hit series of award-winning board games, will launch a crowdfunding campaign on June 20 using Backerkit’s new crowdfunding platform. The RPG will expand the world created by Isaac Childres with eight ancestries, 16 classes, and a line of more than 600 miniatures compatible with all previous games.

Gloomhaven: The RPG will feature the same diceless, card-based system that fans are already familiar with.

“This isn’t just Gloomhaven, This is a newly developed system that integrates the card management stamina system into the role-playing experience, so your cards help guide what you do both in and out of combat.”

Gloom Masters will be given the knowledge, lore, and tools to create their own custom campaigns, combat & narrative encounters, NPCs, and more! Playable right out of the RPG book & card set – or better yet utilizing the overwhelming amount of cross-compatible components found in the original board game box to elevate and enhance their RPG immersion.



Also teased a line of hundreds of miniatures, all of which have been painstakingly reproduced based on the original drawings by the team at Cephalofair Games. The core Miniatures of Gloomhaven set will include 250 of those figures.

“Our team has been hard at work for the last 2 years sculpting and lining up product partners to bring you the quality and value you expect and are excited to share the final results in June,” the company said in a blog post. “With thematic poses, sculpted bases, and high levels of quality control — we hope you will be pleased with the final results.”




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