Jennell Jaquays Veteran Tabletop And Video Game Creator Passes Away

Veteran tabletop and video game creator Jennell Jaquays passed away today, January 10, 2024.
Jaquays was best known for creating the Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia modules for Dungeons & Dragon during her time at Judges Guild.
Also, she was known as a talented illustrator, Jaquays rendered several RPG covers, including the iconic cover for Dragon Mountain.
A woman of many talents, she also worked for video game companies, including id Software, which was responsible for the Quake video games. She was inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design Hall of Fame for her early work on Dungeoneer magazine.
Jennell had been suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome in recent years. She was 67 years old at the time of passing. we offer our condolences to her friends and family during this loss.
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