DDO Players News Episode 337 – Dragon Speculation

We speculate on the Year Of Dragon Freebies, and Talk Hasbro/Wotc D&D News and more!
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Game News
The Year of the Dragon Celebration Calendar has arrived
The DDO Players Council is accepting new applications!
From The Dungeon
2024 D&D Release Schedule Set For 50th Anniversary Year
On The Table Top
G.I. Joe Battle for the Arctic Circle Axis & Allies Preorder Open
Week in Gaming
Drac Week
- Marvel United: X-Men
- Think Like A Shrink
- Arkham Horror (Third Edition)
- Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game
- Taelmoor
Video Games
Robin Hood – Sherwood Builders
Pineleaf Week
- My artificer/stormsinger reached Level 5 and completed Saltmarsh
- Wyrmspan
- Dominion
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Featured Comments
Swivven of Cannith
You can multi-class into an Archetype at any point. For example: you can first take a few levels of Artificer, and then take a level of Stormsinger at, say, level 4. All of this is allowed. The only thing you cannot do is take both levels in the vanilla version of a class & also levels in the Archetype. For example: you cannot take 1 level of Bard and then 1 level of Stormsinger.
Hi Guys,
Great year-end episode. You need to do more eps. I need more sleep, you know :).
Not sure why you are having difficulties at any level finding quests, unless you just don’t like the quests at that level. That I can totally understand. There are many, many quests I don’t do because they suck.
OK, here are two lists. The first is if you do the quests on Elite/Reaper. These are what I do at 10-12. I skip lots (see above) because at level 8, especially, there are just crappy quests.
Level 10: Stormcleave, Caverns of Korromar, Haunted Library, Stromvauld’s Mine (depends on my mood on the day), Von 1, Von 2, Spies in the House, Xorian Cypher. This should be plenty of XP to get to 11. Definitely do the bolded ones first, then fill in until level. If you’ve done the Threnal or Sorrowdusk earlier quests, continue the stories. Sometimes I do them, sometimes not.
Level 11: Same as 10 – continue Threnal and Sorrowdusk if doing those. Von 3, Von 4, The Red Fens (can skip the water one, if you hate that one), White Plume Mountain. Time to Level.
Level 12: Finish up Threnal and Sorrowdusk. Do the level 10 in the desert. Reclamation and Sykros’ Jewel in Ataraxia’s Haven (don’t forget your slayer pot). Chain 1 of Ravenloft. Tempest Spine (make sure you have the Int and Str covered.) Hiding in Plain Sight, if you feel up for it. It can be a tough one. Find a group doing Von raid or be brave and start a group :).
We are usually 13 by this point, maybe even holding 14.
Ok, for Normal/Hard
Level 10: Same as Level 12 on Elite/Reaper
Level 11: Chain 2 Ravenloft. The walk-ups in the desert plus OOB. And the Dead Shall Rise. We sometimes do From Beyond the Grave (depends on our duo makeup because it can be tough with the wrong classes.) Dreams of Insanity. Made to Order. The Enemy Within. We do Whisperdoom, if needed, but usually don’t have to.
Level 12: Flaggers in the desert. Chain 3 Ravenloft. The Diplomatic Impunity Chain. The Peril of the Planar Eyes Chain. Depending on our mood, Against the Demon Queen and the Raid. We did it last life because I was looking for some Bramble Casters. We did the raid up through 32 every few days and I never got them.
Sometimes we don’t need to do all the quests, because we just have plenty of XP, so we pick and choose. Other times, we do them all because we just want to. Depends on our mood. However, every life we do Ravenloft, the desert, Von – anything that’s a flagger for a raid.
I hope that helps. If you need clarification, we can voice chat :).
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