Heroes for Hire: The Next Adventure in Heroes of Barcadia

Attention Adventurers!
Get ready to rally your party because the next Heroes of Barcadia adventure, Heroes for Hire, has launched today on Kickstarter!
Rollacrit, the premiere lifestyle brand for tabletop games, has announced its new follow-up to its massively successful Kickstarter Heroes of Barcadia tabletop game. This new adventure promises more excitement, more strategy, and more chaos. Gamers will battle new monsters, build custom dungeons, and compete with friends in this unique board game with a Liquid Life System, where players drink when they receive damage.
The Heroes for Hire Kickstarter introduces four new heroes: Sip-Jin, Biggswigg, Ontaprielle, and Dram. These heroes are designed to replace a character from the original Heroes of Barcadia base game and/or party pack, allowing players to seamlessly integrate them into their existing game setup.
But that’s not all! Heroes for Hire also introduces a new game mechanic — the Die of Barcane Chaos. This chaotic die has the power to alter reality and make the game much more unpredictable.
In addition to the four new Heroes for Hire, the Kickstarter campaign also includes a special collaboration character: Voodoo Ranger. Created in partnership with Voodoo Ranger IPA, this character is based on the character seen on the can of Voodoo Ranger IPAs. Voodoo Ranger’s character cup comes with Rangerous new powers that bring players together for a temporary truce because everyone can agree on good beer!
“Voodoo Ranger has supported tabletop gaming for over six years through community and the events that surround it. We played Heroes of Barcadia as a team at the brewery and we all fell in love with how it brings together tabletop gaming and beer,” said Patrick Morgan, Community Manager for Voodoo Ranger.
Don’t miss out on this exciting new adventure! Back Heroes of Barcadia: Heroes for Hire on Kickstarter today.
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