Texas Bill’s Broad Wording Threatens RPGs in Schools

A controversial bill proposed in Texas, aimed at addressing concerns about students identifying as “furries,” is raising alarms within the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) community. The “Forbidding Unlawful Representation of Roleplaying in Education Act” (F.U.R.R.I.E.S. Act) could inadvertently lead to the banning of popular games like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) in public schools.
The Intended Target vs. the Potential Fallout
The bill, as reported by Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth, seeks to prevent students from “presenting as an animal or furry” and forming related clubs. It also specifically targets the debunked myth of schools providing litter boxes for students who identify as animals, a claim that originated as an urban legend in 2022, as reported by NBC News.
However, the bill’s broad language, particularly the inclusion of the term “roleplaying,” has sparked concerns among legal experts and educators. Attorneys quoted by Rascal argue that the wording could be interpreted to encompass any activity where students take on non-human personas, including those found in TTRPGs.
Potential Consequences and Chilling Effects
If passed, the F.U.R.R.I.E.S. Act could result in severe disciplinary actions against students, including expulsion and placement in juvenile justice alternative education programs. Schools found to be allowing such “behavior” could face financial penalties.
Attorneys quoted by Rascal argue that the wording of the bill is so broad that Beyond the explicit penalties, the mere presence of the word “roleplaying” in the legislation could create a chilling effect. Schools, fearing legal repercussions, might preemptively ban all RPG activities, regardless of their nature. This would deprive students of the educational and social benefits that TTRPGs often provide, such as fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.
The Path Forward and Unanswered Questions
The future of the F.U.R.R.I.E.S. Act remains uncertain. It is unclear whether the Texas legislature will recognize the unintended consequences of the bill’s wording and amend it to clarify its scope.
This situation highlights the importance of precise language in legislation, especially when dealing with complex issues. It also underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of various student activities, avoiding sweeping generalizations that could negatively impact educational opportunities.
As the bill progresses through the legislative process, the TTRPG community and education advocates will be closely monitoring its development, hoping to prevent the unintended banning of games that offer valuable learning experiences for students.
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