Lornsword Winter Chronicle Early Access Preview

Lornsword Winter Chronicle takes place in a mystical, fantasy universe called the Lorn Empire. A warrior with a family charged by the Lorn Empire to defend its sanctity, and armed with a Lorn Sword acts as the general on the battlefield in a real-time strategy, hybrid linear tower defense, style battle.
Lornsword Winter Chronicle is meant to be played with a controller – Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam controllers are fully supported. You can play with just the keyboard, and I did not try this at all, I just used an Xbox controller, the game was smooth and I can tell that it was programmed for use with a controller. As it was easy to use and worked amazing.
The game plays much different from your standard RTS game, you will play in your standard RTS style with the overhead vie graphics, but the game also add some MOBA elements into the mix, Units come from buildings that you construct, like normal. But instead of waiting for you to command them, they can be set to leave on a predetermined pathway toward the enemy. The predetermined pathway is set by torches on the map, so you can ensure that they’re making their way to the enemy unit, that you wish them to attack.
I was super frustrated that I could not zoom into units to watch the battle take place up close and personal.
Another Lornsword deviates from the standard RTS game, In most RTS games you can “teleport” around the map and jump to a section if you need to, this is not the case here, so if you busy in one section and you did not leave enough troops in another, you will find your self in trouble very fast. This adds a bit of challenge to the game.
Were Lornsword shines it the story, it’s a great story driven game, that is build around the RTS game, which is rare in the genre.
The game of course is in early access and it’s $18.99 price tag seems a good price point for the game in this state. . I did not have any problem with the game, did not have any crashes at all. SO for an early access game it’s a pretty good shape at this point.
Fans of RTS will like the changes to the genre, And there is enough of challenge here to keep you coming back.
You can buy Lornsword Winter Chronicle in early access via Steam right now
If you want more information on the game, you can check out the official website.
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