Wendy’s Released A RPG Adventure, Yes THAT Wendy’s

Gather round the table, with your Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and Frosty and slay the evils of the land!
“The nation of Freshtovia has been the lone beacon of hope in the land of Beef’s Keep for decades, However, the Ice Jester and his rogue’s gallery of frozen fiends threaten Queen Wendy’s reign of prosperity. Prepare your heroes for adventure.”
Feast of Legends is a 100-page, fully playable tabletop RPG of a fantasy setting based on Wendy’s restaurants. The first half of the document contains rules for making characters and choosing classes based on various items on Wendy’s menu. The second half includes setting information and an adventure that can be run from the book. It has everything you might expect from a game born out of a marketing department; riddles to solve monsters based on the things that Wendy’s is campaigning against such as hunger pangs, riddles to solve and even a puzzle based on Wendy’s value menu. The best part is one of the main villains is a clown type character that might remind you of another fast food chain, in a no copy rite infringement type of way of course.
You can download the free PDF HERE
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