Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (5e) Softcover now available

Awhile back we told you about the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion was available for free. For those of you that do not like PDF’s or wanted a physical version you are in luck.
WOTC is now offering this, as a Print On Demand product. Available in a few different version over at DNDCLASSICS
Softcover Color Book (Premium) $9.99
Softcover Color Book (Standard) $7.99
Note on the Print Editions: Standard Color uses a thinner paper stock than Premium Color. This usually means the colors are much less vivid, but it also means the price drops a bit per page in the production process.
I wonder if they are “testing the waters” with this, to see how many of these sell. I for one would love to be able to get some of the other older stuff printed (Ravenloft, Temple, Tomb)
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