One Deck Dungeon: A First Look

Were you even in the mood for a dungeon crawl board game but not in the mood for the long setup time? One Deck Dungeon may be the answer. In this game, setup is simple:
- Choose your character (rogue, mage, warrior, or archer)
- Choose your dungeon (one of four)
- Shuffle the game’s single deck which contains the obstacles you will face.
Wait, what about the loot? Of course you can get loot, skills, and experience. When you defeat an obstacle, the card becomes an item to improve your attributes (to gain more attack dice), a new skill (to make you better at using your dice), or experience. The image below shows a character that has used two cards to add to her attributes (the cards to the left of the character card) and two added as skills (the cards tucked below the character card).
You continue your journey until you reach the stairs. If you survive the first three levels, you then face the dungeon boss to win.
One Deck Dungeon can be played with either one player delving alone or two players as a co-op.
One Deck Dungeon is now on Kicktarter. It reached its goal on the first day and is starting to work on those stretch goals.
Below is the teaser video on the Kickstarter page.
I have not yet had an opportunity to play the PnP edition but it does look promising. When I get a chance to play, I will post a review.
Pineleaf Needles
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