In the long and winding saga that is the newest D&D Movie, there have been a few steps forward, We now have a producer! Variety reports that Entertainment One, which acquired Hasbro earlier this year, has struck a first-look agreement with producer and former Marvel Studios executive Jeremy Latcham. Entertainment One
D&D The Dungeons & Dragons Design Team Has A New Head
The Dungeons & Dragons design team has a new head, with former head Mike Mearls having been off the team since sometime last year. Senior story designer for D&D Christopher Perkins confirmed on Twitter that Ray Winninger is now an executive producer and the head of the D&D team, while lead rules designer Jeremy […]
Frosthaven #1 Tabletop Game Kickstarter All-Time
Welp, we have a new #1 in the world of Kickstarter that it is. Cephalofair Games’ Frosthaven has become the top tabletop game Kickstarter project of all time, The final take was $12,969,161, from 83,184 backers at $155.91 per backer. Frosthaven, a new campaign in the Gloomhaven universe, passed Kingdom Death: Monster […
Gen Con Event Registration Delayed
Usually, this time we are pouring over the event list and getting ready to try to get the events we want to do at Gen Con, well this year not so much. Gen Con LLC is taking early action ahead of one of the state’s largest conventions in response to the COVID-19 […]
DDO Players Episode 260 Teasing Secrets!
This week we talk Update 46 The Lost Gatekeepers and more!!