Back to the Future: Back in Time puts players in the roles of Marty Mcfly, Doc Brown, Jennifer Park, and Einstein in a race against time. Players have to work together to defeat Biff and his gang while making sure Marty’s parents fall in love. The game features cinematic moments from the 1980s film […]
AdeptiCon 2020 Has Been Cancelled
Yet another Covid-19 casualty. Since the very first AdeptiCon, held eighteen years ago, we’ve made it clear that the highest priority, in any consideration, would always be the attendees. Over the years, we have done our best to be loyal to this principle. With our incredible staff, volunteers, organizers, and instructors, Adep
Gary Con XII Cancelled
Yet another Gaming Convention has been canceled due to the continuing Covid19 Pandemic. After much thought and consideration we have decided that is in the best interests of our at large to cancel Gary Con. Please see the full announcement on our website. — Gary Con (@GaryCon) March 14, 2020 [&hel
Original Adventures Reincarnated #5: Castle Amber Coming From Goodman Games
Goodman Games have announced the new “Original Adventures Reincarnated” title. Intended for levels 3 through 7, Castle Amber was the adventure that launched the Mystara campaign setting and was the second adventure for the D&D Expert Set. They fled from the far-flung land of Averoigne: the Amber family, a
DDO Players News Episode 255 – Munchkin Is The New Monopoly
This week we cover the Chronicle, There will be more Lord of the Rings RPGS, and How is Covid-19 ( Coronavirus) effecting the game industry.