Drac is joined by Patrick from DDOCast as we discuss the upcoming Update 45 Balance Changes!
DDO Players News Episode 249 – Make Me A Vampire
This we talk about Lamannia Update 45 Notes, Crazy kickstarter money and vampires in ESO.
Digital Adaptation of Board Game Fury of Dracula Coming From Nomad Games
“Denn die Todten reiten Schnell.” (“For the dead travel fast.”) Bram Stoker Dracula Nomad Games have announced that they will be making a digital adaptation of the board game Fury of Dracula. This deduction/hidden movement board game was originally published by Games Workshop in 1987 and revolves around four va
Explore The Dark Heart Of Skyrim In The Upcoming Expansion For Elder Scrolls Online
For the first time since The Elder Scrolls Online’s launch, Tamriel’s adventurers will be able to explore the snow-covered lands of Skyrim once again with the announcement of an all-new chapter, The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. Bethesda Softworks has announced The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor, the latest expansion for The
FFG Announces Star Wars: Destiny Coming to An End
All good things come to an end as they say. Star Wars™: Destiny launched in 2016 with the innovative Duel Dice System, enthralling players with game mechanics that were quick to learn, but difficult to master. Bringing iconic Star Wars characters, locations, ships, and weapons to life on your tabletop, Star […]