There is more Epic Spell Wars on the way from Cryptozoic. Cryptozoic Entertainment, leading creator of tabletop games, trading cards, and physical and digital collectibles, announced the limited release of Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: ANNIHILAGEDDON Deck-Building Game at Gen Con, August 1-4, followed by a full retail
2019 Spiel des Jahres Winners Announced
As we all ready told you, The Kinderspiel des Jahres was awarded to Valley of the Vikings (Tal der Wikinger), designed by Marie Fort and Wilfried Fort, and published by HABA Games. it’s a dexterity game that involves bowling over barrels with a giant wooden ball (and also trying to get your […]
Tyranny of Dragons Re-Release Coming From WOTC
Well you can’t keep a good dragon down now can you? Tiamat returns to Dungeons & Dragons this fall. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of its Fifth Edition rule set. Five years ago, the latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons was released, and it has become the most successful iteration of the […]
CMON Announces Teburu Gaming System
Zombicide and Blood Rage maker CMON has revealed Teburu, a futuristic ‘board gaming console’ system loaded with digital technology that it claims will improve the experience of playing physical games. Teburu – which is Japanese for ‘table’ – has been developed with Xplored, a company that specialises in what it calls ‘phygital’
DDO Players News Episode 230 – Looking Forward To Gen Con 2019
We talk about Gen Con 2019 this week, Drac has his Top 5 games he is looking forward to list, and Pine has his top 5 Gen Can't list!