Today, for the first time, you can begin your exploration of the Gen Con 2019 Exhibit Hall through official convention maps. You can view the downloadable PDF document. Convenient to print and a handy web bookmark, this map is a great way to begin your Gen Con 2019 planning. 80 days and […]
SkullSplitter Dice Company Huntress Limited Edition Dice Overview
We take a look at the new limited edition Huntress dice set from The SkullSplitter Dice Company! The fine folks over that Skullsplitter dice company will be sponsoring our Gen Con coverage this year! Order your set today! Over at the SkullSplitter dice company website!
Dungeons & Dragons Stranger Things Starter Box Unboxing
We unbox and take a look at the new Dungeons & Dragons Stranger Things starter set. Order your copy today via Amazon *The above Amazon link is an affiliate link, DDO Players will get a small percent of your sale, this is yet another way you can help support the site*
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth Unboxing
Drac unboxes and takes an overview look at the new game from Fantasy Flight Games The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth You can order your own copy of the game today via Amazon *The above Amazon link is an Affiliate LINK, DDO Players will receive a […]
DDO Players News Episode 221 – Stick With The Gloom
This week we talk about Lammania, The Chronicle, Mimic Hunt, Alien is getting an RPG and Drac shows us how bad he is at predicting winners.