Modiphius Entertainment is taking us back the to citadel, as they announce today the Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel is now live on Kickstarter. Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel by designers Richard Borg with Eric M. Lang and Kevin Wilson, is an innovative reimagining of the original worldwide hit board game Siege […]
Need A Monster For That TPK? Stranger Things Demogorgon for 5e
If you have seen Stranger Things on Netflix, You know the show starts off with the kids face to face with the dreaded Demogorgon. Newbie DM has created the monster for you throw at your party, you know for that TPK you’ve been trying to get. Or is that just me? New Post: Stranger […]
Cubicle 7’s Adventures In Middle-earth Player’s Guide Now Available
You will recall that we told you, the Adventures In Middle-earth Player’s Guide for D&D 5E was coming from Cubicle 7. Well the day is now here. At least for the PDF. For those that have pre ordered, you should have an email from Cubicle 7 with your code for the pdf. If you […]
Storm King’s Thunder Adventure League A Great Upheaval Free
The optional kick off to the Storm King’s Thunder adventure league season is now available on the Dungeon Masters Guild, For FREE! DDIA05 Storm King’s Thunder: A Great Upheaveal is an optional part of the adventure aimed at advancing players to the level 5, the starting level of the main adventure. What you [&hellip
DDO Players News Podcast Episode 100 – It’s On The Table
It's the 100th show! Bonnie Bew and Community Manager Cordovan joins us. We play our version of the "Match Game" and we learn that Drac's dreams might come true!