Free Sample Of The Week August 12th – 18th Long Lasting Bear’s Stamina Potion x5 Use Coupon Code BEARSTAMINA 1/Account Select Adventure Packs Drac Says – Yes! Always great to see packs on sale! Quest XP Elixirs Drac Says – They do come in handy if you have the TP
Force Grey: Giant Hunters Episode 5 Awakening Calliope the Bard
The search for the rod continues, they enter the home of the wizards and find a new companion, but to what cost?
Ghosts Love Candy Coming From Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games just got some good karma coming there way. They have rescued a defunct Fifth Street Games Kickstarter for the game Ghosts Love Candy. Trade release for the game is planned for June 2017. Players take the role of ghosts, out to satisfy their candy cravings on Halloween. Each ghost is […]
Ultimate Werewolf Legacy Coming From Bezier Games
Bezier Games announced Ultimate Werewolf Legacy, a new legacy-style version of One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Planned for 2017, the game is designed by Rob Daviau and Ted Alspach. Like other legacy-style games, Ultimate Werewolf Legacy will create a fully immersive environment that changes from game to game based on the decisions
DDO Players Gen Con 2016 Mage Company LTD Interview
Our Gen Con 2016 coverage rolls on with an interview with Alex from Mage Company LTD Games. (Music) Pop Goes the Weasel Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License