The numbers are in , and once again Gen Con 2016 shows more gamers and enjoying “The Best Four Days In Gaming” Gen Con 2016, which for the first time featured more than 500 exhibitors and an expansion into Lucas Oil Stadium, continued a seven-year streak of record turnstile attendance with 201,852 […]
DDO Players News Episode 96 A Wolf Ate My Sheep
Drac survived Gen Con, And Pineleaf has sheep problems.
Sola Fide: The Reformation Coming From Stronghold Games
Stronghold Games is partnering with German publisher Spielworxx to produce Sola Fide: The Reformation, in time for the 500th anniversary of the religious conflict. The new game will premier at Spiel in Essen, Germany in October. In Sola Fide: The Reformation, one player takes on the role of the Protestant movement, while the other […]
DDO Players Gen Con 2016 HABA USA Interview With Lea Culliton
Our Gen Con Coverage Kickoffs with Drac talking with the president of HABA USA Lea Culliton (Music) Pop Goes the Weasel Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Critical Role RPG Books, Coming From Geek & Sundry And Green Ronin
Green Ronin Publishing announced today that it has signed a licensing agreement with Geek & Sundry to release roleplaying game sourcebooks based on Critical Role. The books, which will be written by Critical Role creator and Game Master Matthew Mercer, will bring readers into his world of Exandria. Green Ronin President Chr