After the battle they faced in the swamp, the gang makes there way through the swamp, and is seeking out the Sun Dragon!
Storm King’s Thunder Dungeon Master Screen Coming From Gale Force Nine
Gale Force Nine will of course, release a brand new Dungeon Master screen, this one based on the upcoming Storm King’s Thunder storyline. This screen is the perfect companion for those Dungeon Masters running the Storm King’s Thunder adventure, or any journey along the Sword Coast and the North. The front features imposing images [&hel
Storm King’s Thunder Miniatures Coming From Gale Force Nine
It should be no shock, that GF9 are going to release a line of limited edition miniatures, for the upcoming “Storm King’s Thunder” storyline. Look for three giants releasing: Storm, Frost and Fire. Each miniature will be limited to 1,500 pieces and have an MSRP of $50.00. The Storm Giant Royal Guard […
Geek & Sundry And Critical Role Plans For Gen Con
Geek & Sundry has unveiled all of what they have in store for Gen Con 2016 Once again this year, they will be sharing a booth with Green Ronin. Stop by and you could win an exclusive Critical Role and Titansgrave mini posters. Like last year You’ll need to roll for your chance […]
Vampire The Masquerade RPG Humble Bundle
The fine folks over at Humble Bundle have another RPG PDF bundle up. and this time it’s all about the Vampires. The tiers are $1, $8, And $15. They also have an $33 Tier, Will get your physical pins shipped to you The bundle will be live for 11 more days […]