In DDO news this week, we cover the update 31 Patch 3. Which hit servers on Tuesday. Also talk about the changes to the in game store. Drac covered Origins for the site, so we had a chat about that, and the interviews he was able to record. And of course the latest in Tabletop Dungeons And Dragons And RPG. And All The Tabletop BoardGame News!
2016 Kinderspiel Des Jahres Winner Announced
Stone Age Jr. was named the 2016 Kinderspiel des Jahres winner, the Best Children’s Game category for the prestigious German game design competition. The game will be published in North America as My First Stone Age by Z-Man Games imprint Filosfia Editions. In the game, players collect and trade for goods, as well as […]
Hero Board Game Kickstarter
Stop me if you have heard this one before, there is a dungeon and a dragon, someone needs to go in kill the beast, but all the “Heros” are gone, so YOU are picked to go in slay the dragon! No problem right? A dragon has arrived to your kingdom with a promise for […]
DDO Players Tyrants Of The Underdark Unboxing Video
We show off the new Tyrants Of The Underdark Game From Gale Force Nine. Look for our full review of the game soon! BIG thanks to Gale Force Nine for sending us the review copy!
Evil Dead 2 Board Game On The Way
Looks someone has been playing with the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis again! Players will take on the roles of the various people looking to survive the horrors of demon attacks as they search for the pages of the Necronomicon. Evil trees, deadites, and other horrors will be all coming at them, looking to turn you into […]