Sahba Jade and Mythery Of The Damsels Of DDO join Drac this week! We talk about Update 31 Patch 2, The New Monster Manual, And Is it better to stay pure or multiclass? Also would you play on a "Vanilla" DDO Server?
Focus Home Entertainment Shows Off Vampyr Computer ARPG At E3
Vampyr, the new Action-RPG from acclaimed game-development studio Dontnod, and stars a doctor who has been turned into a creature of the night. The trailer is narrated by the game’s main character, Jonathan E. Reid, a doctor and vampire. “Science has failed us,” He says, before explaining that the flu epidemic has killed
DDO Players Reviews Easy Roller Dice
Every gamer needs dice! This is fact of our hobby, we all need them, we all love them. We all have our “favorite” set we use. The Easy Roller Dice Company, is based out the Midwest in the state of Ohio. They burst upon on the scene and have built up a reputation for […]
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #52
Drac’s ranger finds the dragon in the dungeon! If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site, send it to *click for full size*
Call of Cthulhu The Official Video Game E3 Teaser Trailer
Focus Home Interactive has released a new teaser trailer for Call of Cthulhu before the madness of E3, offering us a tease of the new horrors and madness based on H.P. Lovecraft’s short story. Call of Cthulhu is the video game adaptation of Chaosium’s pen-and-paper RPG. It’s being developed by French studio Cyanide Studio.