Avast, mateys! (You have to say that in your best pirate accent of course) Firelock Games has launched their Kickstarter campaign for Blood and Plunder, their new 17th century pirate skirmish game. Blood and Plunder lets you take your battles to the high seas, itself. Play scenarios that represent land battles, but also amphibious assaults [&hellip
NoWorries Gives Us A First Look At U31 Named Loot
NoWorries posted a early peek at the Named loot for U31 Yesterday. HEROIC Level 13 items Goggles – Equipment illusion DC +3, Quality illusion DC +1, Quality Int +1, True sight, Green Augment Slot Helmet – Magical Efficiency 5%, Equipment Potency +63, Insightful Potency +31, Quality Potency +15, Green Augment Slot Boots – Pi
Bloc by Bloc Kickstarter Preview/Review
We told you about the kickstarter for a new board game called Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game. I had a chance to sit down and play with a prototype of the game. *Note the pictures in this review, are from my press review prototype, so things will look different in the final version […]
Midnight Syndicate to Create Soundtrack for Zombies!!! Board Game
Almost 13 years after releasing the first official role playing soundtrack to the iconic Dungeons & Dragons® game, award-winning composers and dark music pioneers Midnight Syndicate have teamed up with premier game designer Twilight Creations to produce a game soundtrack for the zombie apocalypse-themed Zombies!!! board game. Foun
Zombies!!! Ultimate Collector Set coming from Twilight Creations
Twilight Creations has announced that it plans to release a Zombies!!! Ultimate Collector Set in 2016, with this item being a giant carrying case that can hold all fifteen Zombies!!! sets released. The case will be available on its own or jam-packed with all fifteen Zombies!!! titles. The publisher notes in its announcement, “We [&hel