If you would like to see your screen shot featured send it to podcast@ddoplayers.com Please include your char name and a small blurb about the shot This weeks screenshot comes to us from Brac Barefeet he says IndianaGnome sits on a throne During the birthday celebration *click for full size*
Curse Of Strahd DM Screen Coming From Gale Force Nine
The fine folks over at Gale Force Nine have a new Dungeon Master Screen on the way, this team featuring everyone’s favorite vampire. This screen is the perfect companion for those Dungeon Masters running the Curse of Strahd adventure, or any trek through Barovia. The front includes contrasting images of Count Strahd von Zarovich while [&helli
Tolkien’s Middle-earth Comes To 5E Via The OGL
Cubicle 7 Entertainment and Sophisticated Games are bringing J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth to Dungeons & Dragons via the updated Open Gaming License (OGL) and The One Ring Roleplaying Game this summer. The new OGL for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition was announced in January The One Ring Roleplaying Game is set in Tolkien’s legendary fantasy
Riftwalker: A Storm Hollow Card Game Preview Review
Riftwalker: A Storm Hollow Card Game is up on kickstarter right now, and is set to end on Sunday. I got a chance to take a early look at it. Overview Riftwalker is for 2 to 4 players and takes 30-45 minutes to play. 15 Element cards 52 Rift cards The goal of the game […]
DDO Store Sales: March 18th – 24th
Free Sample Of The Week March 18th – 24th Lesser Slayer Count Boost Use Coupon Code delWqYMgqIg59 1/Account Shared Bank Storage (First 20 slots)Drac Says – If your Not VIP, I recommend this! Character Bank Upgrades Drac Says – MAKE sure to get as many in game as you can FIRST Select Storage […]