Join Chris Perkins as he DM’S a game for Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Anna Prosser Robinson, and Nathan Sharp. SPOILER WARNING! They are playing Curse Of Strahd so all the spoilers are here! Run-time is 1hour 52 min. Enjoy!
Curse Of Strahd Review
I6: Ravenloft, is among the greatest D&D adventures of all time. for very good reasons. It holds a special place in my heart, and I have such good memories of both playing and dm’ing this adventure. Strahd has come to 5E! Curse Of Strahd is now available everywhere. *NOTE* This review is based off my […]
DDO Players News Episode 75 Possessed By Barry White
On the show week this, the datacenter move is happening this week, and we talk about Ravenloft as WOTC is teasing the release of Curse Of Strahd.
Port Forwarding update and changes
Mirthgar an Customer Service Representative made a post to the forums today detailing a few changes that you MIGHT have to make after the data center move is done and servers are back up. If you previously setup port forwarding (or port triggering) on your router and/or modem for ports 9000-9010 UDP, updating the […]
DDO Players Interview Nick From The Shady Rogues
Drac has a chat with Nick from The Shady Rogues