The teasing is over! It’s official! In 1983, Tracy and Laura Hickman introduced gamers to the mist-shrouded duchy of Barovia and its ruler, Count Strahd Von Zarovich. One of my favorite adventures of all time! Today, Wizards of the Coast announced Curse of Strahd, a new Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Castle Ravenloft and […]
WOTC Ask Me Anything On Reddit
Members of the Wizards team – Mike Mearls, Chris Lindsay and Trevor Kidd – were involved in an AMA on Reddit last Friday afternoon. Here are some of the highlights of that, be sure to read through the whole thing, as I’m only going to hit on a few things here. There were A LOT […]
WOTC Teases New Dungeons And Dragons Adventure *Updated*
WOTC is set to announce a new adventure on Monday. Notice I said “Adventure”, Right now we don’t know if it’s going to be a full on campaign, story-arch or just a few one offs for the adventure league. They are teasing us about this in a big way. The fine folks over at The Escapist […]
DDO Producer’s Letter
Friday afternoon we got the promised Producer’s Letter. (My thoughts are in BOLD) Greetings! I’m Severlin, Executive Producer for Dungeons & Dragons Online, and I’m writing today to update you on our plans for the coming months. Right off the bat we see a change in the way the letter’s will work at least One […]
New Details For The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game
The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game is the tactical head-to-head game set in the walker-strewn Georgia countryside where everyone and everything is trying to kill you. In The Walking Dead: All Out War, each player controls their own group of survivors made up of popular characters from The Walking Dead storyline, such as […]