Chaosium has announced a new printing of RuneQuest 2nd Edition in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the game’s setting of Glorantha in 2016. The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter RuneQuest is a classic fantasy-adventure RPG. It was first published in 1978, released at that year’s Origins Game Fair, where it sold out.
Winter Fantasy 40 Coming In Feb
Fort Wayne, Indiana, will play host to Winter Fantasy 40 Convention again February 3-7. Dungeon and Dragons and the Adventures League will have a big presence there this year, as in years past. Winter Fantasy continues to grow and offer more games, and we’re proud to be the best place to play Dungeons and Dragons […]
Game Salute will publish The Princess Bride: I Hate to Kill You, a new dice-dueling game from their expanding series of titles based on the cult movie classic, in Q3 2016. The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. A daring dice duel for left-handed players (and those not really left-handed). Princess Bride: […]
DDO Player News Episode 61 – Two Headed Demon Goats?
Turbine was on Thanksgiving break this week, so there is no game news. We highlighted a few items from the Chronicle though. Drac tells us how his first session in his Dungeon And Dragons Tabletop group with, as he started to run the "Rage Of Demons" storyline for his friends. 4 words. Two Headed Demon Goats!
Chris Perkins’ “The Knights of the Green Flame” Module
You might recall that Wizards of the Coast recently ran a contest where fans could win a chance to play Sword Coast Legends with D&D’s own Chris Perkins as their dungeon master. The module that Chris created for the event is now available for all to enjoy! Here is how you can find it! If […]