DDO Players is excited to announce that we will have the opportunity to set down with Executive Producer Severlin (Via Skype) on Friday afternoon for a short interview! We would like to know if there are any questions that you would like us to ask him. We can’t guarantee that we will get to […]
Monster A Day PDF
Reddit, the name alone might strike fear in a lot of people. True there are some dark dark corners of it sure, but there are some bright spots one being the /r/monsteraday/ subreddit It’s an D&D subreddit that focus on making home brew monsters to move into your 5th edition game. They have released a […]
DDO Players News Episode 59 – A Surprise Visit From Cordovan
We get a surprise visit from Community Manager Cordovan this week! We talk the recent news of the Legendary raids and bypass timers. We find out Lammania will be up this week (Tentative) with Update 29! And we chat about Movemeber.
Play Dungeons And Dragons In Virtual Reality
Gather your friends! and your VR Headsets! It’s time to dungeon crawl. The market for virtual reality products is currently heating up. You have a choice of VR headsets due to hit stores in the coming year, including the Facebook-owned Oculus Rift, Sony’s Project Morpheus, and the Valve and HTC co-developed Vive. Also Microsoft, which [&hel
Update 29 Feats
Developer Steelstar posted about some upcoming feats we are getting with Update 29 In the first thread Level 29: At level 29, you get your third Epic Destiny feat. Like the one you get at level 28, you can pick from any of the previous Epic Destiny feats you qualify for, as well as from […]