Artist Mike Schley’s has put up for the sale the Forgoten Realms map he did for for SCAG. And the thing is HUGE… This new absolutely massive map of D&D’s Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer’
DDO Players News Episode 56 – Do You Even Know Oprah?
Update 28 Patch 1 and the new store is here, also everyone gets 2 +5 hearts of woods free! Listen as Pineleaf get's very confused over Oprah??
Munchkin Treasure Hunt
Looks like the Munchkin universe just got a bit bigger. Steve Jackson Games has just released Munchkin Treasure Hunt Explore the Dungeon! Fighting monsters and collecting treasures! When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game! Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun boardgame for up to […]
Downtime Notice: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Wednesday, October 28th
Cordovan posted on the forums about some upcoming downtime: The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Wednesday, October 28th from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon! He also posted the release notes as […]
Want To Play Sword Coast Legends With Dungeon Master Chris Perkins?
Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master extraordinaire, invites you to join him in creating and playing in a custom campaign for D&D video game Sword Coast Legends. According to a post over on Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master for Acquisitions Inc. and principal story designer on the Dungeons & Dragons team, is gearing up to run s