At Winter Fantasy 2015 a panel was held featuring Chris Tualch, Organized Play Program Manager and all of the D&D Adventurers League admins. Panel: Chris Tulach, Bill Benham, Greg Marks, Robert Adducci, Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall, and Claire Hoffman. *NOTE* The sound was not the best in the Conference Center. And they tended [&h
DDO Players News Episode 19: Drac’s School Of Dungeon Mastering
This week we talked about Lag, and what Turbine is doing about it. Also some news on the Warlock and Gnome question is brought up again, And Drac finds his perfect shirt to wear while he is killing his party, er dm'ing!
D&D Valentines!
The folks over at Wizards are offering some wonderful D&D Themed Valentines cards, for that special person in your life. Here are a few examples of them: You can download the full pack of 10 at Wizards page.
DM Support Group: Episode 01
Wizards Of The Coast released a new hilarious new video. What happens in the DM Support group? “What’s close to kobold… kraken”
Behind the Screens
There is a new article starting up over at Welcome to the first installment of Behind the Screens, a regular column by Dungeon Masters for Dungeon Masters that presents helpful tips for use in your D&D campaign. Each month, guest DMs will present an item from his or her tool kit that you can […]