Flipping the Hourglass
The world is changed. I feel it in dungeons. I feel it in the raids. I smell it on my keyboard. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it…it being pre-update 14 end game. So let’s go back a few years when epic was epic and healers were needed. How […]
Level 30 Expanded
In the past when character level cap increased it coincided with an expansion. Update 14, DDO’s first expansion, increased level cap to 25 and introduced us to Epic levels. In Update 19 the level cap increased again to 28. Looking forward towards the year’s end and the promise of level 30, there’s no announcement of […]
Endurance of the Gemini
Extreme Streaming Recently I had the privilege to watch a fellow Argonaut stream DDO on Twitch. After seeing a DDO Unlimited Twitter post about it I felt intrigued because it was a stream planned for 24 hours! It was pretty freaking epic. I myself have played DDO for many 24 hour spurts and have had […]
Baker’s Dozen
What exactly is the Baker’s Dozen? It’s basically the number 13 minus one. Where there was 13 of something, anything really, and it lost one of that something. In Eberron it has a repetitive and a residual play on history that can transform our mmorpg. One example is the 13 Dragonmarks. The 13th mark, the Mark of Death, has no known liv