There is a new issue of Dragon + available now. You will notice this issue has a Ravenloft feel to it with the following included: An interview with Jum Zub (writer of the upcoming Minsc in Barovia story in the D&D comic) An wonderful article with Tracy and Laura Hickman, who created the original Ravenloft […]
New Weekly Show Coming From Wizards Of The Coast
Barovia awaits four brave adventurers in this live play-through of Curse of Strahd. The D&D team, along with some friends from the YouTube and Twitch community, is kicking off a new, ongoing livestream of Dungeons & Dragons, titled Dice, Camera, Action! DCA is a live play-through of D&D’s latest storyline—Curse of Strahd to begin—run by
DDO Players Interview With Mike Mearls And Chris Lindsey At Winter Fantasy 2016
Drac interviews Mike Mearls And Chris Lindsey At Winter Fantasty 2016. We cover the DMsGuild, Ravenloft Curse Of Strahd and More!
Curse Of Strahd In The Adventures League
There was post over on the Adventures League site, that details how the curse of strahd will be used in the season four of the AL. WPN Stores will receive a free PDF of Death House, a location based adventure that is designed to take 12-16 hours of in store play. This PDF can be […]
Curse of Strahd Map Sneak Peek
Interesting tweet from Madam Eva yesterday (WOTC) What's this? @ChrisPerkinsDnD's original hand-drawn maps for Curse of Strahd? #dndfortune — Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) January 26, 2016 I hope we get to see more of the behinds the scenes stuff, and it’s always good to see inside the m