The famous pirate Blackbeard has summoned you to his deathbed and entrusts you with his dearest secret: the location of is hidden treasure! But the old rascal played one last trick on you by also revealing the location to every renowned pirate on the seven seas. The race is on, but in order to […]
Fireball Island on Kickstarter Is Live
Restoration Games launched a Kickstarter campaign to publish Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar. The game is a restored version of the 1986 classic tabletop game of marble mayhem, renowned for its unique 3D plastic board. The new board is bigger, taller, and faster and still manages to fit in a smaller box by […]
Sakura Review
Published by Osprey Games, and designed by the one and only Reiner Knizia. The premise is that we are artists, following the Emperor as he strolls through the imperial gardens during the blooming of the cherry blossoms (Which are known as Sakura trees, I found thanks to some Google-Fu. Each player is […]
Gloomhaven Expansion Announced By Cephalofair Games
Isaac Childres and Cephalofair Games have announced that an expansion to Gloomhaven, named Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles. Gloomhaven is the legacy card-driven dungeon crawl that hit Kickstarter and blew up becoming one of the biggest games on Kickstarter ever. The expansion will not go the Kickstarter route but will be released
CoolStuffInc Will Verify All Sold Games Are Authentic
There has been a big problem here of late, with tabletop games and counterfeit copies out in the marketplaces, most of this has been seen on Amazon or eBay. One of the biggest online retailers of board games is Cool Stuff Inc. they have announced that they will now start to verify all products […]