Remember those tile sets that were released back for the edition that shall be named? They’re back… and better than ever! Used to enhance your D&D gaming experience, these full-color tiles come with evocative terrain art featuring dungeon rooms, corridors, caverns, tunnels, and other terrain elements designed to breathe lif
New Studio Fantasy Flight Interactive Announced
Fantasy Flight Games and Asmodee North America announced the newest addition to the global board game publisher’s digital arsenal: Fantasy Flight Interactive. Focused on not just adapting tabletop games, but creating fresh, new digital experiences based on Fantasy Flight Games’ beloved brands, Fantasy Flight Interactive is a new deve
Tales of Candlekeep: ToA Updates
The folks at BKOM are working on honing the Tales of Candlekeep play experience. In this video, I head into the second adventure (ignoring the tutorial) in Tales of Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation while discussing what changes had been made in the last week. In this adventure, I need to find the Vegepygmy chief. Hopefully […]
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeon Master Screen Review
Gale Force Nine is set to release the Tomb of Annihilation dungeon master screen Order the screen via Gale Force Nine HERE A big thank you, to Gale Force Nine for sending the screen for this review, this is no way had any effect on the outcome of the review […]
Avalon Hill Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition Available Now!
One of the most popular versions of Axis & Allies is making a return to shelves today, as WOTC & Avalon Hill announced that the reprint of the Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition is out today! The Axis & Allies community has wanted to see this version back in print for a […]