There is a new Magic: The Gathering digital card game on the way. It was teased last month, but now the curtain has been lifted and Wizards of the Coast announced Magic: The Gathering Arena, a free-to-play title that Wizards of the Coast is developing internally through its division called Digital Games Studio. It’s […]
Dungeon Crawler Unbound Card Game Review
This review only covers the Solitaire version of the game. Dungeon Crawler supports a total of four different formats of play. These are Solitaire, Competitive (2-players), Co-operative (2-4 players), and Multi-player (3 -6 players). Dungeon Crawler is a well a Dungeon Crawl, it’s you and against the dungeon. You will do that with the [&hell
Doctor Who Fluxx Coming From Looney Labs
Things are about to get all Timey-Wimey for Looney Labs as the tardis is about to land. The game will include various regenerations of the Doctor, assorted companions, Gallifreyan tech, K-9, Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the Master. Players adventure through Time and Space in this unique spin on the card game […]
Shapeways 3D Printing Review
One of the interviews that I had scheduled for Gen Con 50, was with the folks over at Shapeways, They are a 3D Printing service and marketplace. I had to cancel my trip to Gen Con this year, due to a family medical emergency. I was delighted when Shapeways, said they would be happy […]
Drinking Fluxx Review
Drinking Fluxx comes to us from Fully Baked Ideas, an imprint of Looney Labs, takes the classic Fluxx Which is the card game with ever-changing rules into new territory. Geared towards 2-6 players adults 21 and over of course! Please drink responsibly! In drinking Fluxx you drink, but not to excess, Drinking […]